Posters session at NIA 2022

The Nonwovens Innovation Academy 2022 welcomed 12 students and researchers. They presented academic posters in the networking area to the delegates and a jury of experts. . 

If you are interested to submit a research poster for the next edition in 2024, check student grants & posters for more details.

For any questions please contact
Anaëlle Schütz
The winner of the NIA 2022 poster edition is Kaushal Shah, Technical University of Liberec with his poster on "Battery performances and thermal stability of polypropylene nonwoven separator for Li-ion battery"

 Anna Groβe
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI)
Poster: CarboBreak - Conditions and mechanisms for releasing alveolarfibrous carbon fibre fragments
 Annika Ketola
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Poster: Boosting the absorption of foam formed structures - preliminarystudies
 Antti Oksanen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Poster: New opportunities with 3D printing of fibre foam
 Atakan Gümüş
Hassan R&D Center
Poster: Sustainable, functional hybrid air filter design
 Christopher Albe
Sächsisches Textilforschungsistitut (STFI)
Poster: TrennTech - Technologies for continuous demolding processes
 Hafiza Hifza Nawaz
University of Manchester
Poster: Photodegradation and nanofiltration of textile wastewater bynanocomposite membranes
 Muhammad Umar
University of Manchester
Poster: Development and in-vitro evaluation of wet-spun fibres as a potential moist wound care dressing
 Nicole Preβler
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI)
Poster: Nonwovens and laminates based on recycled IMS carbon fibres
 Patrick Engel
Sächsisches Textilforschungsistitut (STFI)
Poster: Sustainable sleeping - Development of nonwoven-based insulatinglayers for sleeping bags
 Sara Paunonen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Poster: Sustainable airlaid nonwovens Development at VTT
 Zuhaib Hassan
University of Leeds
Poster: Nonwoven Delivery Systems Comprising Capsule Fibres for Medical Devices